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Friday, June 1, 2012

More Empire than needed

Here are a couple of more stories Re: Empire Days, my comments as well as many others can be seen by clicking on the story.  Bottom line if we had a council with kahonees they could simply not approve next years proclamation of Empire Days when it comes up.  Will they do so; I doubt it but we can try.

Editorial: We need civil debate not more hyperbole

Here also is a letter by Simon Schachner who has been opposing the Empire for a while now.

I sent this one in but nothing as of yet:

Re:  Re: 'Chief takes to Twitter to criticize Empire Days moniker' (Daily News, May 29)

For almost a decade many groups and individuals have been proposing a change to the weeklong celebration of Queen Victoria’s birthday known as ‘Empire Days’ in Nanaimo.  While the controversy was slow to materialize this year Chief White’s comments have lit the proverbial fire once again in this ongoing debate.  This in my opinion is a good thing.
I think everyone can agree that the volunteers of the Empire and Lions Societies do a wonderful job; all we ask is for a change of name of the event/celebration.  No one is asking the Society to change its name; celebrate your accomplishments of the last 145 years, kudos to you all for your hard work. 

This said the time has come to change the name to something that all can celebrate.  Something that does not carry with it the baggage of a not too pleasant experience suffered by the colonized in the name of “Empire,”  something that celebrates the shared history of all whom now live in this land. 

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