Lowest Taxes consistently 4 years running 2.08% tax increase for 2018. (1% in 2017, 0% 2016, 1% 2015)
Waterfront Walkway Departure Bay to Estuary in progress
Port Drive Waterfront Masterplan
SEA SPAN RIGHT OF WAY PURCHASEDhttps://www.nanaimo.ca/NewsReleases/NR180925AgreementReachedToRemoveSeaspanRightOfWayFrom1PortDrive.html
Review Secondary Suites Bylaw
Review Duplex Triplex infill bylaw; potential use of Micro Housing use
in subdivisions and as Secondary Suites. Allowance of secondary suites in
Duplex/Tri Plexes.
Review of per door contribution in subdivisions; towards Housing Legacy
Resrve Fund: increase and Expand usage of.
Nanaimo’s Homelessness Action PlanCSR 1 First part of core review and Deloitte Reports completed. Potential saving and streamlining that could result in millions in savings that could be used to keep taxes low, increase service provision and hiring of new employees for such.
CSR Summary:
CSR Full Report: https://www.nanaimo.ca/docs/your-government/city-council/initiatives/cityofnanaimocoreservicesreviewwmctcifinalreport7809bc391b316d6b9fc9ff00001037d2.pdf
Core Services Review Implementation Plan: https://pub-nanaimo.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=9244
Numerous policy reviews and revisions:
Bylaw 7000 - Management Terms and Conditions of Employment completed but moved to next council for adoption
Purchase Card policy revision in progress STALLED
Colliery Dam Park and expansion and GNWD lands added as PARK PASSED
Gordon Street Hotel to commence construction downtown this year.
Development Permit for a new
Hotel on Front Street
Deep Ocean Discovery Centre proposed for the Wellcox Property
see pg 4&5 https://pub-nanaimo.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=18674
Discovery Center https://ndda.ca/
Purchase by city of Serauxmen Stadium and Rotary Bowl, confirming its commitment to the Sports Corridor and ensuring generations of use. Professional size field in place; joint agreement with the SD 68 and development of a beautiful all weather field.
Development of Harewood Activity Park with two playing surfaces one covered
State of the Art Stevie Smith Bike Park built to World Class standards
Nanaimo Hospitality Association investing approximately $450,000.00 annually through a Hotel Tax
Tanya Dr property purchased to add to Linley Valley park
Growth of economic development
The City, for three consecutive years, has increased its Building Permits and huge growth from such. Trades workers thriving
TAVI making impressive contributions and destination tourism results. Tourism
numbers at all time high Hospitality industry thriving; 85% hotel occupancy
Nanaimo Hospitality Association investing approximately $450,000.00 annually through a Hotel Tax
OCTOBER 2018New Changes to the Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) allow funds
to go towards affordable housing
See page 27 https://www.bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/2018/homesbc/2018_homes_for_bc.pdfhttps://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/taxes/sales-taxes/publications/pst-120-accommodation.pdf
Tanya Dr property purchased to add to Linley Valley park
Growth of economic development
The City, for three consecutive years, has increased its Building Permits and huge growth from such. Trades workers thriving
Nanaimo Airport numbers up considerably
BC Ferries numbers up considerably
Real Estate market setting records
More progress in last 4 years compared to any term prior.
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