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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Re: Mayor Infrastructure Hotel and Taxes

October 9, 2008

Dearest Editor:

How nice of Mayor Korpan to try and put the squeeze on the feds for funding to the convention centre. This type of grandstanding is simply ludicrous when it would be far more appropriate for our Mayor, and Council, to be securing funds for much promised but never delivered infrastructure services to Green Lake Residents as well as other areas promised the same during amalgamation 30 plus years ago.

Equally of concern is the distinct possibility of Millennium Developments not securing funding for the long proposed but yet to be built Conference Centre Hotel? Councilor Manhas may not be worried but with ongoing issues past and present I certainly am. My guess is that even if the City did try to collect the penalties rightfully owed to us by Triarc/Millenium, for their past failure to build on schedule, they could possibly default on those as well.

Many believe the next big project should be a multi-plex sports facility. I have no problem with the idea but with city taxpayers on the hook for other over budget schemes of late the City’s only contribution should be the land it would sit on. Our taxes are high enough and we should not be burdened with even more.

Now is the time that Citizens have the opportunity to create change. On November 15th please get out and vote.

Gordon W. Fuller

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