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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kontroversy Revisited

A couple more versions of the FREE NANAIMO from KORUPTION bumper sticker have come my way and are attached below.

Other than the initial veiled threats to some members of Friends of Plan Nanaimo and the current Law Suits against Angela Negrin, council candidate and propriator of Pirate Chips, and Tony Parkin, long time advocate for Lifeguards at our public beaches and No High-Rises on our waterfront, I can find no instances of others being sued for displaying the Free Nanaimo from Koruption bumper sticker. Oddly enough, early on in his vendetta, Mayor Korpan had stated that he would track down and prosecute to the fullest extent those that displayed the Free Nanaimo from Koruption bumper sticker. So why pick the two he did? We may never know the answer to this but my guess is because both have been vocal on various issues within the city.

This latest in the daily news, "City kills $5,700 TV spot because of sticker."

There have been numerous documented occasions when our illustrious Mayor has chosen to humiliate and denigrate those who have come before council or public hearings, I myself have frequently been the brunt of his remarks. If a policy on behaviour does not exist then when elected I will work to implement one. Too often people put a lot of work into appearing as a delegation to council and get slapped in the face by council members who may disagree with their point of view. Is it any wonder why there is a prevailing air of apathy that exists in Nanaimo, why people believe that decisions are already made prior to public engagement?

I have one final thing to say on the subject, Mayor Korpan if you don’t want to be remembered by the public as a petulant whiner drop the lawsuit and apologize to Tony and Angela.

That's 4 versions I have tracked down and a fifth with VICC I haven't been able to. See if you can collect them all.

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