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Friday, October 19, 2018



604 Nicol St
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 4T9
Ph: (250) 754 6389

Cell: (250) 797 0531



A third generation Nanaimoite, 37 year resident of Nanaimo, I am a long time Community and Social Advocate. For over 20 years I have worked in the social service sector with Adults and Youth coordinating both an Emergency Shelter, Youth Housing and Chronically Homeless Outreach/Support.  I believe every Citizen capable of contributing to making the City of Nanaimo a better place. 

Employed in the Social Service Sector with adults and youth for over 20 years I also have considerable experience working with boards and committees on issues ranging from Homelessness & Affordable Housing, Food Security & Poverty, to Neighbourhood & Community Planning and Downtown Revitalization.

For over a decade was one of very few people attending council meetings regularly as well as working with city staff in my many other endeavours.  I get the process and understand the flaws.

Many see sitting on council as a position of power; I see it as a position of trust, trust that I would work towards the betterment of the ENTIRE community.  I have proven through community involvement that I do not just ‘talk the talk’ but ‘walk the walk’ as well.  

I support:

Streamlined civic process, Social equity, lower taxes, mixed use infill densification not sprawl, green initiatives, and sound Neighbourhood and Community Planning. I also support an independent core review of the corporation of Nanaimo on a regular basis.

Most of all I stand for improved communication between City Hall and Citizens that starts early and actively encourages greater citizen involvement in decisions effecting Nanaimo.

Want transparency?  Be careful what you ask for because you may get more than you wish. 

The only promise I will make is to put the same level of energy, commitment and integrity into my position on council as I have in being an advocate for social change.


More about Me:

Degree in Child & Youth Care - Malaspina University/College 2002

2004 to 2018  Nanaimo Youth Services Association
  •  Coordinator - Specialized Community Assistance Program (For the Chronically Homeless)
  • Housing Portfollio  Supervisor - Nanaimo Youth Services Youth Housing (Subsidized Housing for youth under 19), Rowe House (Converted rooming house for employed youth 17 - 30)
       2004 - 2007
          o Coordinator Training for Jobs
          o Youth Housing Youth Support Worker

1998 – 2003: Samaritan House Emergency Shelter
       Coordinator

1996 – 1998: Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society
      Coordinator of Volunteers
      Shift Coordinator
Current Community Involvement:
·                            Nanaimo 7-10 Club Society – Chair
    • Member Chamber of Commerce
    • Member Volunteer Nanaimo 
    • Nanaimo Homeless Coalition
Past Community Involvement:
·        Nanaimo Neighbourhood Network –  Chair
·        Nanaimo Citizens Advocacy - Director

·         South End Community Association – Director
·         Friends of Nanaimo Harbour - Director 
·       SAFER Nanaimo Working Group

 Sex Trade Cohort (formed as a result of the Pickton Inquiry - Group of agencies that work with Sex Trade Workers)

Nanaimo Social Health Network 

Neighbours of Nob Hill – Member 

Nanaimo Working Group on Homelessness 

Nanaimo Community Advisory Board on Homelessness

Mid Island Coalition for Strong Communities 

o    Vancouver Island Water Watch

 Nanaimo Old City Association - Treasurer 
·         SECA Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee  (2009)
·         Downtown Design Guidelines 
·         Friends of Plan Nanaimo  
·         Official Community Plan Review 
·         Crystal Meth Task Force 
·         Nanaimo Alcohol and Drug Action Coalition 
·         Working Group on Downtown Social Issues 
·         Mental Health Advisory Council 
·         City of Nanaimo Nuisance Property Committee 
·         Nanaimo Social DevelopmentStrategy 
·         S.A.F.E.R Downtown Nanaimo Project 
·         Community Food Connection
 .         Food Link Nanaimo  
·         Action for Diversity Team 
·         Nanaimo Food Share Society
·         2002 – 2009 DNP - Housing Design Development Subcommittee
·         Busking Bylaw Committee
I have also been involved at workshops and giving feedback on numerous of Nanaimo’s City plans ie. Transportation Master Plan, South Nanaimo Waterfront Plan, Zoning Bylaw, Official Community Plan, Strategic Plan etc. Etc.



Lowest Taxes consistently 4 years running 2.08% tax increase for 2018. (1% in 2017, 0% 2016, 1% 2015)

Waterfront Walkway Departure Bay to Estuary in progress

Port Drive Waterfront Masterplan completed.
·         Review Secondary Suites Bylaw
·         Review Duplex Triplex infill bylaw; potential use of Micro Housing use in subdivisions and as Secondary Suites. Allowance of secondary suites in Duplex/Tri Plexes.
·         Review of per door contribution in subdivisions; towards Housing Legacy Resrve Fund: increase and Expand usage of.
Nanaimo’s Homelessness Action Plan

CSR 1 First part of core review and Deloitte Reports completed.  Potential saving and streamlining that could result in millions in savings that could be used to keep taxes low, increase service provision and hiring of new employees for such.

CSR Summary:
Motion passed in late 2017 to proceed towards implementing part 2 of CSR in early 2018 STALLED
DEC 4: 54117 It was moved and seconded that Council direct Staff to make recommendations on the scope of Phase 2 of the Core Review with the intent upon Council approval of moving forward as early in 2018 as possible. The motion carried.

Numerous policy reviews and revisions:

Bylaw 7000 - Management Terms and Conditions of Employment completed but moved to next council for adoption

Purchase Card policy revision in progress STALLED

Colliery Dam Park and expansion and GNWD lands added as PARK PASSED

Gordon Street Hotel to commence construction downtown this year.

Deep Ocean Discovery Centre proposed for the Wellcox Property
see pg 4&5

Discovery Center

Purchase by city of Serauxmen Stadium and Rotary Bowl, confirming its commitment to the Sports Corridor and ensuring generations of use. Professional size field in place; joint agreement with the SD 68 and development of a beautiful all weather field.

Development of Harewood Activity Park with two playing surfaces one covered

State of the Art Stevie Smith Bike Park built to World Class standards

Nanaimo Hospitality Association investing approximately $450,000.00 annually through a Hotel Tax
OCTOBER 2018New Changes to the Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) allow funds to go towards affordable housing
See page 27

Tanya Dr property purchased to add to Linley Valley park

Growth of economic development

The City, for three consecutive years, has increased its Building Permits and huge growth from such. Trades workers thriving

Nanaimo Airport numbers up considerably
BC Ferries numbers up considerably

Real Estate market setting records
More progress in last 4 years compared to any term prior.

Monday, October 15, 2018



Question was what we thought our role as a Councillor was.  While I have my personal ideas thought I would do a quick research of such.  One of the big concerns I have always had was the lack of clarity of the BC Community Charter not just on this but other items as well.  Here is the link to; have a peruse of it. See 114.

In doing my Google thing I ran across the Alberta definition which I find quite clear and alloigning with my personal beliefs.

Council roles and responsibilities

The council is the governing body of the municipal corporation and the custodian of its powers, both legislative and administrative. The Municipal Government Act provides that councils can only exercise the powers of the municipal corporation in the proper form, either by bylaw or resolution.
A councillor's job is to work with other council members to set the overall direction of the municipality through their role as a policy maker. The policies that council sets are the guidelines for administration to follow as it does the job of running a municipality. A councillor will spend a lot of time while on council creating new policies and programs or reviewing the current ones to make sure they are working as they should.

The Councillors

Under the Municipal Government Act, councillors have the following duties:
  • To consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole and, to bring to council's attention anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the municipality
  • To participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality
  • To participate in council meetings and council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by the council
  • To obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the chief administrative officer
  • To keep in confidence matters discussed in private at a council meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public
  • To perform any other duty or function imposed on councillors by this or any other enactment or by the council.”


Thursday, October 4, 2018


What is Plumping?

Does the thought of checking off 8 boxes for council candidates fill you with dread?  Did you know that you don’t have to select all 8?  Or that voting for less may actually be a good thing?

United Way Q A re homeless.


Nanaimo Candidates' Forum

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Beban Park Social Centre


Want to know more about where each candidate stands on the issues of housing and homelessness?
We asked every candidate running in the municipal election four questions. Below are those questions and the responses we received from the candidates.

1) What do you know about the housing and homelessness issues we’re experiencing in Nanaimo?

2) Do you endorse and actively commit to achieving the priorities identified in the Homeless Plan and Affordable Housing Strategy in your term? Provide details on your priorities and how you would achieve them.

3) Municipalities that are effectively moving the dial on housing and homelessness are buying land and zoning appropriately for projects to facilitate BC Housing investments. Do you endorse these activities/approaches by the City of Nanaimo? If so, how would you deal with NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard-ism) and community push back, while implementing the array of housing and solutions our community requires?

4) Will you support the City of Nanaimo in adopting a target of zero homelessness by 2028, and if so what actions will you undertake and support to reach this target.

Gordon Fuller

  1. I have been working for and with the Homelesss, Youth, Adults and Families for over 20 years. My experience runs the gamut from Runing an Emergency Shelter, Youth and adult Youth Housing, as well as a running a program for Chronically Homeless Adults and am also the Chair of a Community Meal Program. I know a fair bit about different programs and was integral in lobbying the City for both Cold Weather Shelter Beds and Rent subsidies, prior to being elected to council, as well as spearheading the move for an Affordable Housing Strategy in Nanaimo's Strategic Plan. I work from a HOUSING FIRST approach.
  2. Yes. As a City Councillor I have already made motions that have passed that will revisit bylaws and policies on Secondary Suites, increased contribution to and broader use of Nanaimo's Housing Legacy Reserve Fund and zoning and use of Micro Homes as a means of infill and affordable housing options.
  3. My priorities are towards a HOUSING FIRST Policy throughout the Housing Continuum ; housing, assessment, services steered toward. One of the last councils strategic priorities was with regards to LAND PURCHASE as well as an COMPREHENSIVE AFFORDABLE HOUSING STRATEGY. Both would help move towards the first part of your question and I support those and other means wholeheartedly. NYMBYism can only be dealt with through education/knowledge; some projects will require a higher degree of Community Consultation than others; point being adjust time for such accordingly and continue the practice of not concentrating Housing or Services.
  4. While I believe it unrealistic, the Feds are proposing $40billion to only decrease by 50% over 10 years, I support the goal of ENDING HOMELESSNESS to the best of my ability. I personally believe that with Multi Gov't support we could end it in 5 years; what I do not have faith in is the political will to do so.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Will be updating and posting as I can.  Links in past posts might not work due to provider changes or the websites no longer existing.

a Community Valuing, embracing & Encouraging ALL Citizens.

A long time Social and Community Advocate I know it is critical to recognize the importance of a healthy diverse economy in providing meaningful employment and the necessary tax base from which to run our fair city. We need a strong advocate on council who understands the issues in all areas of the city
Focus on the preservation of Nanaimo’s Heritage and Parks; development working in harmony with the Environment and maintaining the unique character of neighbourhoods; Citizen Driven Not Developer Driven.  Recognizing the importance of a healthy diverse economy; providing meaningful employment and the necessary tax base.  Smart growth not rapid growth. .

Recognizing social, environmental, cultural and economic aspects are intertwined; linking community together. A focus on one without the others detracts from the whole.
A Community that recognizes and values diversity and the potential of ALL citizens to contribute toward making Nanaimo a Vibrant and INCLUSSIVE community.
A growing city Nanaimo Council needs to follow through on recommendations in the Core Service Review (pt 1) and Deloitte Report that have the potential to save millions; council should also insure that the second part of the Core Review is done. With a growing population and economy these savings could be put towards lowering taxes, increasing service provision as well as hiring employees for such.