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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Water Treatment Plant Borrowing Outcome

Below links to the result of the process for borrowing 22m for the water treatment plant. This was an A1 farce on nthe part of Council and the City.

Despite saying they would get the information to the public only one info session was held, approx 40 people showed up. I had asked at a council meeting if they would do a mail out and was told no. A couple of Councillors stated they would ensure that the community was well informed.

At the public meeting I asked the head of the legislative services why the Alternate Approval petition forms were not with the rest of the information and 3 times encouraged they be put there, they were not. The whole info session reminded me of the Conference Centre in that it was decidedly pro Water Treatment Facility.

It is no wonder that there were only 3 of us that signed the petition and the way the AAP is set up that means the balance of the population approx. 64,000, voting age, were in favour.

Sept. 3: 65 million dollar water treatment plant targeted for 2015 completion date
September 2: Only five opposed borrowing 22 M

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