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Friday, May 25, 2012

Moral Dilemma

If you have the patience check out the Council Video from May 14th, in particular the discussions on 11-m. Revised planNanaimo Advisory Committee Mandate & Objectives and 11-r. Promotion of Municipal Tap Water.  Really would like to hear others opinions.  It helps if you have read the attendant reports in the agenda on both items.

Also as usual check out question period for more amusement.
This was one of the most painful meetings I have had to sit through in years and while I like George Anderson as a person some of his comments last night baffled me.  Once you have listened to Georges Comments i.e.; we need a staff report on declaring water a human right to see what the ramifications would be, then check out his letter to the editor.  Very amusing

Agenda: Council Agenda & Reports May 14, 2012

Councillor George Anderson - Letter to the Editor  As a city councillor it is my job to make evidence-based decisions, not decisions based on just my moral beliefs. There is a place for morality, but evidence should always supersede.” 

I beg to differ; Hitler & Stalin could offer all the evidence needed to commit the atrocities they did and we saw what the result was.  Even in the debate around Smart Meters in BC, if you listened to the evidence of BC Hydro one would think they are great, we have seen how well that one has gone.
Morals can and should play a big part in decision making.

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